Trace Agtech
3 min readJun 5, 2021

June 5 is celebrated globally as World Environment Day under the mandate of the United Nations Organization and serves as an instrument to advertise the importance of conserving our environment. This year’s Environment Day is hosted by Pakistan and focuses on Environment Restoration.

#generationrestoration challenge that is set to launch on World Environment Day 2021 seeks to “Reimagine. Recreate. Restore” the quality of ecosystems around the world. The target time for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were set up by the UN also comes to a close, this decade.

Sustainability is a term that is often associated with environment, when in reality, it is just one of its four core ideals. Sustainability requires us to be responsible for everything concerning our enterprise directly or indirectly and which affects its core pillars as shown below:

From eliminating poverty and hunger to restoring environmental balance, your agribusiness can make an impact on the life around us with the smart assistance provided by an FMS.

Did you know that a Farm Management Software (FMS) can also help to implement your sustainability policies, monitor, audit and create automated reports.

Not sure about it? Let me explain.

The sustainability policy of your company can be translated into actionable points and communicated to farmers as part of the Good Agricultural Practises (GAP) to be followed by your farmers. These activities will become part of the mobile application used by the executives in the field, thus making it easier for implementation, tracking and monitoring.

The mobile applications that are a part of the FMS can also support your agribusiness in auditing and increasing the efficacy of your sustainability initiatives. This auditing process which used to be a manual, time taking and laborious task can be executed effortlessly and more accurately using an FMS.

Let’s see how an FMS can assist your agribusiness to touch up on each of the sustainability pillars.


▪ Well being of the farmer through timely farm inputs, expert advice, better yield, lower cost of production and better marketability of his produce.


▪ Cleaner environment
▪ Safer Food
▪ Community mobilization through cooperative societies.
▪ More employment


▪ Higher production adds to the Nation’s GDP
▪ Better mobilization of resources
▪ Better quality means better exports and more foreign exchange
▪ Creating a secure financial system
▪ Increasing scope for investment


▪ Ecological balance through effective use of resources like soil and water
▪ Regenerative agricultural practices


For farmers: efficiency in communicating the right things to do produces a greater yield while taking a bearable toll on the environment.

For agribusinesses: higher productivity and quality at a lower cost of production while reaping credibility from the customers.


The growing world population makes huge demands on the agricultural sector which could compromise its performance on sustainability scales. But as responsible citizens of the 21st century it is imperative that agribusinesses maintain their integrity by adhering to these goals and striving to preserve and revive our ecosystem. An investment that elevates your reliability is never too much when it comes to food.

With heightened awareness and social responsibilities, consumers now tend to use products that are in turn more responsible to the environment. As an agribusiness, along with the satisfaction that you have done your small bit to a more sustainable environment, enjoy more credibility and trust from your customers too.

Let’s paint our globe green again, and as an agribusiness you can save our planet while serving the world!

While the battle to save an ailing planet has been going on, a global pandemic has thrown us all a little off balance. But did you know that agribusinesses that used an FMS fared better than their less fortunate counterparts?

More about that in the next blog!



Trace Agtech

Efficient Farm Management Software to get ahead with Traceability